
What VALS Segmentation Categories Align with Trump Supporters?

 VALS (Values and Lifestyles) is a market segmentation framework developed by Strategic Business Insights (SBI) that categorizes individuals into distinct groups based on their psychological characteristics, values, and lifestyles. While VALS segmentation is primarily focused on consumer behavior and preferences, it is not specifically designed to categorize political affiliations or identify groups of supporters for specific political figures. Therefore, there is no direct alignment between VALS segments and Trump supporters.

However, it is possible to draw some broad connections between certain VALS segments and the characteristics that have been associated with Trump supporters based on available data and observations. It's important to note that political affiliations are complex and multifaceted, and not all supporters of a particular political figure share the same characteristics or motivations. Additionally, the political landscape can change over time, and these associations may evolve as well. With these caveats in mind, here are a few VALS segments that might exhibit some similarities with Trump supporters:

Strivers: This segment is characterized by individuals who are motivated by achievement and success. They are often concerned with status and material possessions, and they may respond favorably to messages emphasizing personal wealth and prosperity, which aligns with some of the messaging employed during Trump's presidential campaigns.

Experiencers: This segment consists of individuals who are motivated by self-expression and seeking new experiences. They are often open to risk-taking and enjoy being at the center of attention. Some Trump supporters may align with this segment if they were drawn to his unconventional style, ability to command media attention, and his promise to disrupt the political establishment.

Believers: This segment comprises individuals who have strong traditional values and a deep sense of faith. They are likely to respond well to messages emphasizing patriotism, national pride, and a focus on traditional family values, which were prominent themes in Trump's campaigns.

It is important to note that these connections are generalizations and may not apply to all Trump supporters, as political support is influenced by a wide range of factors, including ideology, policy preferences, and personal circumstances. Political support is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that cannot be fully captured by a single segmentation framework like VALS.

What VALS segmentation categories DO NOT align well with Trump supporters?

While it is challenging to definitively identify VALS segmentation categories that do not align well with Trump supporters, we can consider some segments that may have characteristics or values that are less likely to align with this particular group. Again, it's important to note that these are generalizations and not absolute categories. Here are a few VALS segments that might have less alignment with Trump supporters:

Innovators: This segment consists of individuals who are early adopters of new ideas, products, and technologies. They are often forward-thinking, educated, and socially conscious. Trump supporters may have less alignment with this segment if they were drawn to Trump's more traditional messaging and policies that focus on preserving established norms and values.

Thinkers: This segment comprises individuals who are reflective, informed, and value intellectual pursuits. They are often motivated by a desire for knowledge and understanding, and they prioritize critical thinking. While some Trump supporters may fall into this segment, it is possible that those who strongly support him may prioritize other factors, such as emotional appeal or perceived strength, over intellectual considerations.

Achievers: This segment consists of individuals who are motivated by success, but their focus is often on career achievements, professionalism, and the opinions of others. They are typically status-oriented and value recognition from their peers. While there may be some alignment between Trump supporters and this segment, it is possible that Trump's appeal lies more in his anti-establishment messaging rather than a traditional emphasis on career success and social recognition.

It's crucial to remember that political support is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and individuals' political affiliations cannot be solely determined by their VALS segment. People's motivations, beliefs, and values can vary greatly within each segment, and political support is influenced by numerous factors beyond psychological characteristics and lifestyles.


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