
Ambiguous rules for roommates written in the style of the US constitution

Kitchen Use Constitution

We, the four roommates, in order to promote domestic tranquility, ensure the general welfare of our shared living space, and secure the blessings of a well-maintained kitchen, do hereby establish these rules for the common use of our shared kitchen.

Article I: The Right to Cook

Section 1: All roommates shall have the unalienable right to prepare and consume food in the shared kitchen without discrimination, provided they abide by the rules herein.

Article II: The Principle of Equitable Access

Section 1: The kitchen shall be open for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to reasonable limitations.

Section 2: Roommates shall respect the principle of equitable access and make every effort to share kitchen resources fairly.

Article III: The Allocation of Storage

Section 1: Each roommate shall be entitled to an equal share of designated storage space within the kitchen, subject to periodic review and adjustment.

Section 2: Roommates shall not infringe upon the storage space of others without their consent.

Article IV: The Preservation of Cleanliness

Section 1: Roommates shall maintain the kitchen in a state of cleanliness and order conducive to the common good.

Section 2: Regular cleaning schedules and responsibilities shall be established by mutual agreement.

Article V: The Regulation of Cookware

Section 1: All roommates shall be responsible for providing their own cookware, utensils, and kitchen appliances.

Section 2: Cookware and utensils may be borrowed with the owner's consent, but must be promptly returned in a clean and undamaged condition.

Article VI: The Resolution of Disputes

Section 1: Disputes arising from the use of the shared kitchen shall be resolved through peaceful means, including dialogue and consensus-building.

Section 2: In cases where resolution is elusive, a roommate council may be convened to arbitrate and reach a binding decision.

Article VII: The Amendment Process

Section 1: These rules may be amended by a three-fourths majority vote of all roommates, provided that such amendments do not infringe upon the fundamental rights and principles outlined herein.

Section 2: Amendments shall be proposed in writing and distributed to all roommates at least seven days prior to a vote.

In witness whereof, we, the undersigned roommates, do ordain and establish these rules for the shared use of our kitchen on this day of [Date].

[Roommate 1 Signature] [Roommate 2 Signature] [Roommate 3 Signature] [Roommate 4 Signature]

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